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30 November 2010

Head Banger

What a head banger!
After attempted crowd surfing, the 21 year old accounting and finance student, collides head first with the dance floor. Mike Juriansz has no recollection of Friday night, 26 Nov, and how he ended up unconscious on The Old Firestation floor, but friends Jack Aldridge and Ellie Keep remember the crash much clearer.
Ellie, 21, Roman Archaeology student, said “A group of guys, I didn’t know them, came over and picked him up over their heads, like crowd surfing.” Mike, from Fleet, Hampshire, believed the group to be “from back home but I’m not certain”. It was then at 2:45am that Mike landed head first onto the ground.
“He landed like flat on his head, and his neck bent, and he just laid there with his eyes open” said Jack, 20, Physiology student.
Mike Juriansz before bang.
“They all surrounded him and some of them tried picking him up but a bouncer came over and dragged Mike to the ticket booth room” said Ellie, from Reading.
Jack and Ellie watched as their best friend was laid down and put into the recover position. “He started to come round but was really confused and didn't know where he was or anything they told him to stay in the recovery position and asked me to call an ambulance” said Ellie. Jack said “he was still thinking he was in his hometown”.
When the ambulance arrived the paramedics took Mike inside to complete checks before heading to Poole Hospital. Ellie, waiting at The Old Firestation said “I dunno how long (the checks were) for but it felt like forever”
After spending 10 hours surveillance, Mike got a lift from Poole Hospital at 1:30pm the next day with a friend. “They kept shining a torch into my eyes, which was annoying, but they just told me to take it easy and if I felt dizzy or ill to go back.
I still consider the night a success - it was eventful and there’s no lasting damage” said Mike ironically after sustaining cuts, lumps and bruises to his head.
A special thank you goes out to the staff at The Old Firestation “They were extremely helpful and nice” said Ellie.
Mike, although, said “I honestly have no idea how I ended up crowd surfing”

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