As some of you may have noted I am planning on filling your audio waves with my song choices of the week. Like an Ipod on shuffle, this selection is fairly random.
1) Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
After popping along to Milk on Tuesday, I have flashbacks of the night with this song. I'm sure I don't have to explain to you why Mumford & Sons are on here but you can be enlightened on why I love them.
I think its the entire pace of the song - and the fact that since Mumford & Sons smashed the limelight, they've brought folk back into the foreground. Perhaps making it a bit cooler to announce that you were into folk. If a band can sing acapella as brilliantly as these fella's then they deserve the multiple recognition they get.
2) Price Tag - Jessie J
Usually... overly poppy songs put me off. I refused to listen to Alphabeat because they were unnaturally happy (well this is until I was in a crowd of people at Weston Super Mare with them playing live at me I felt like I ought to try and enjoy it).
But with Jessie J - almost like the same Katy Perry effect - I find myself singing along with her tunes. This song in particular has cropped up to me this week after a certain comment was made in reference to "if its not about the money" - can I have your album for free?
I also like the fact that she writes her own songs and before stepping onto the stage wrote for people like Justin Timberlake, Xtina and Alicia Keys - Much more impressive and talented than some of the run of the mill generic pop artists out there.
3) I'll be in the Sky - B.O.B
Again like Jessie J - when I see American rapper/singer hop over the pond and start raping our British airwaves I tend to switch off. Yeah I'll sing along to them if I'm a night out but all the Kanye Wests out there aren't exactly my thing..
However B.O.B has tapped into something which I quite like... I really loved Airplanes featuring Haley Williams and now this one has crept in too. Watching the video I am wondering... can he actually play the piano... I hope so!
I think I'm going to have to blame the NerveRadio playlist for this one - I've obviously been brainwashed into liking this one.
4) A Little Respect - Erasure
The eighties were such a marmite era. So many classic yet some very questionable fashion choices. I've chosen Erasure after having a bit of an eighties evening during the week, yes there was Aha and Rick Astley thrown about. A Little Respect is super happy and a classic sing along track. It was put on a 'happy' album given to me before leaving home for Bournemouth, so maybe my love for this is helped by good'old memories.
5) Lets Go Surfing - The Drums
According to NME one of the best Indie tracks to include in your playlist (I feel that maybe Indie is the wrong word to use - seeing as now whenever I generalise my music taste to 'indie' I get a sigh and a look of typical music choice!) This may sound like a stupid thing to point out as my favourite part of the song but I like the whistling - there I said it. It seems like if I was the running sort of person that it would be a great track to have queued up to play. Having said that, as someone who walks into uni everyday I think it will definitely be playlisted as 'a song to listen to on a sunny day and pretend I'm in a musical montage like a movie of my life' <perhaps a shorter title maybe more appropriate.
1) Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
After popping along to Milk on Tuesday, I have flashbacks of the night with this song. I'm sure I don't have to explain to you why Mumford & Sons are on here but you can be enlightened on why I love them.
I think its the entire pace of the song - and the fact that since Mumford & Sons smashed the limelight, they've brought folk back into the foreground. Perhaps making it a bit cooler to announce that you were into folk. If a band can sing acapella as brilliantly as these fella's then they deserve the multiple recognition they get.
2) Price Tag - Jessie J
Usually... overly poppy songs put me off. I refused to listen to Alphabeat because they were unnaturally happy (well this is until I was in a crowd of people at Weston Super Mare with them playing live at me I felt like I ought to try and enjoy it).
But with Jessie J - almost like the same Katy Perry effect - I find myself singing along with her tunes. This song in particular has cropped up to me this week after a certain comment was made in reference to "if its not about the money" - can I have your album for free?
I also like the fact that she writes her own songs and before stepping onto the stage wrote for people like Justin Timberlake, Xtina and Alicia Keys - Much more impressive and talented than some of the run of the mill generic pop artists out there.
3) I'll be in the Sky - B.O.B
Again like Jessie J - when I see American rapper/singer hop over the pond and start raping our British airwaves I tend to switch off. Yeah I'll sing along to them if I'm a night out but all the Kanye Wests out there aren't exactly my thing..
However B.O.B has tapped into something which I quite like... I really loved Airplanes featuring Haley Williams and now this one has crept in too. Watching the video I am wondering... can he actually play the piano... I hope so!
I think I'm going to have to blame the NerveRadio playlist for this one - I've obviously been brainwashed into liking this one.
4) A Little Respect - Erasure
The eighties were such a marmite era. So many classic yet some very questionable fashion choices. I've chosen Erasure after having a bit of an eighties evening during the week, yes there was Aha and Rick Astley thrown about. A Little Respect is super happy and a classic sing along track. It was put on a 'happy' album given to me before leaving home for Bournemouth, so maybe my love for this is helped by good'old memories.
5) Lets Go Surfing - The Drums
According to NME one of the best Indie tracks to include in your playlist (I feel that maybe Indie is the wrong word to use - seeing as now whenever I generalise my music taste to 'indie' I get a sigh and a look of typical music choice!) This may sound like a stupid thing to point out as my favourite part of the song but I like the whistling - there I said it. It seems like if I was the running sort of person that it would be a great track to have queued up to play. Having said that, as someone who walks into uni everyday I think it will definitely be playlisted as 'a song to listen to on a sunny day and pretend I'm in a musical montage like a movie of my life' <perhaps a shorter title maybe more appropriate.